Renowned artist Yemi Alade, known for her beauty and unwavering commitment to showcasing African pride, donned a striking orange and black boubou-style outfit adorned with a cowrie-adorned crown for her “Amazing Grace” music video. The ensemble exuded Mama Africa vibes, especially reminiscent of South African headgear.
Yemi’s dedication to portraying the richness of Africa in her music has not only garnered her a widespread fan base across the continent but also earned her a spot performing at the opening ceremony of the 2023 African Cup of Nations (AFCON) in Ivory Coast on January 14. Sharing glimpses of her stunning look, she captioned the photos and video with a powerful message: “Walk into your essence with your full chest. We don’t back down from anyone in 2024. Caution: If you’re seeing this post, amazing grace will follow you all through the year.”
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