Nollywood actress Regina Daniels recently went into a frenzy on social media following the pictures and video of herself, her children, and her husband, Ned Nwoko, cruising in a private jet that she had shared on social media. She had captioned the post, “Story of my life – Always on the move,” recalling her mobile lifestyle.
The post attracted comments from different persons, including social media critic and media personality Oriretan Honour. In a comment placed under Regina’s post, Oriretan queried her sanity for marrying at a tender age without knowing much about the institution called marriage. He referred to Regina’s slender physique and urged her to eat more fatty food to regain weight, admonishing her to reduce her sessions of going to the gym so that she wouldn’t become too slender.
Oriretan further warned Regina to consider family planning in order not to overwork her body. He reminded her that she needed to take care of her looks to make sure her husband, aged 63, did not begin to look elsewhere for a wife. He said straightaway that Regina should be wise and smart about her health and her marriage.
Oriretan’s comments have sparked a wide range of online reactions-from commending him on his concerns for Regina’s well-being and family planning to intrusive and way too judgmental of her personal choices and appearance. The debate once again underlines the increasing personal discomfort of public figures balancing their lives between their homes and public exposure.
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