Of late, there has been a rise in the cases of paternity fraud in Nigeria, hence this relatively growing interest in DNA testing and how the results affect families. While infidelity has been cited as the primary cause of paternity discrepancies, psychologists argue the issue is way more complex.
Mental experts, Dr. Samuel Olatoye and Dr. Juliet Ottoh, blamed a number of factors, ranging from genetic testing errors to baby swaps, for such incidents. In the same breadth, a report by Global Scientific Journal sheds light on the intricacies surrounding paternity fraud. From here, some of the important insights that defy common assumptions about DNA testing and paternity fraud have been identified:
1. Genetic Testing Errors Are More Common Than Assumed
DNA testing is widely accepted as the benchmark for paternity. Yet, it’s not foolproof. According to Dr. Juliet Ottoh of Lagos University Teaching Hospital, testing inaccuracy could be due to faulty practice or unreliable laboratories. To avoid faulty results, it has been advised that couples should go to credible places to carry out such tests, and in some cases, they are asked to seek a second opinion.
2. Medical Negligence Could Play a Major Role
Another contributing factor to paternity fraud may be hospital errors, including the exchanging of babies at birth. Dr. Ottoh mentioned several examples of cases of babies that had been switched up at birth, grew up, and then later found out there was a mix-up. Such cases do present a belief that paternity fraud could result from failures of the medical system than infidelity on the part of persons.
3. Lack of Pre-Marital Genetic Screening Leads to Unforeseen Issues
Many couples do not bother with thorough genetic clearance before marriage in Nigeria, thereby depriving themselves of some useful insights into their genetic compatibility. In the absence of such screening, there is a surprise revelation concerning parentage. Experts recommend that genetic tests be included in health check-ups before marriage to avoid such surprises.
4. Trust Issues May Bring Serious Mental Health Consequences
Paternity fraud carries a lot of emotional baggage with it. In fact, psychologists even warn that the repercussions of this loss of trust do not lie between the parents but are extended to the child, too, in the form of alienation. Even when the paternity is confirmed thereafter, the suspicion can often leave lifelong emotional scars among all parties concerned.
5. Older Men Are More Likely to Ask for DNA Tests
According to a Smart DNA report, it is men above the age of 41 years who initiate paternity tests most frequently. Psychologists explain this concern with fertility and genetic compatibility later in life by older men-a motive that compels them to feel secure through DNA testing.
Apparent factors in showing that the paternity fraud is not only a personal matter but also systemic ones outside of the umbrella of infidelity.
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