Nollywood’s renowned producer Kunle Afolayan has stirred excitement among fans and movie enthusiasts with the latest update on his new movie series, “Anikulapo Rise of the Spectre,” which premiered on Friday, March 1st. This highly anticipated series, serving as a follow-up to the 2022 film “Anikulapo,” comprises six parts featuring esteemed actors like the late Sisi Quadri, Layi Wasabi, Kunle Remi, and Ogogo, among others.
In an interview with Bella Naija, Afolayan disclosed his vision to showcase Africa’s essence through the movie. He expressed that the “Anikulapo” series marks just the beginning of the story, hinting at its potential to surpass even the renowned American series, “Game of Thrones.” Afolayan also hinted at upcoming additions to the movie, emphasizing that “Anikulapo” would transcend his lifetime. He stated, “At some point, people will speak English in the series. At some point, we are going to delve into the colonial era. It’s going to be beyond me; it’s going to outlive me.”
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