This viral story told of how a 15-year-old boy, with an utter dream car valued at a sum of N36 million, visited a car dealership. A Twitter user who narrated the story, known as Temmyy, reached out to other social media users. The boy went into the car dealer’s office and began negotiating for the expensive car.
No surprise that it was a shock for the car dealer. The idea of such an expensive car being bought by a teenager raised suspicious thoughts about from where this money came. Flummoxed over how to handle this strange situation, he called the police for guidance. The police that arrived asked him questions, suspecting that the money belonged to his parents or relatives.
But the response of the boy sent the various people present in the room into shock. He calmly explained that his lifespan was only five years, and so he wanted to enjoy his life to the fullest with the remaining time. “Why are you stressing me? I have just five years to live; let me enjoy it to the fullest,” he reportedly told the officers, sending them and dealership staff stunned.
This was the turning point of the atmosphere in that room. In an instant, the police officers and car dealer turned from cautious and suspicious to sympathetic understanding. Realizing how serious it was for the boy and his desire to make the most of what little time he had left, they stepped back and allowed him to proceed with the purchase.
Temmyy’s tweet went on to recount the scene thus: “This driver can’t keep quiet about a 15 y/o whom he witnessed at his dealer friend’s store. He said the kid priced a N36M car and was ready to pay. Out of fear, the dealer called the police; on arrival, the police questioned him to know whether it belonged to his dad/uncle. In the driver’s words, the kid said: ‘Why are you stressing me? I have just five years to live; let me enjoy it to the fullest.’ Everyone was shocked when he pulled his shoes.”
This poignant and emotional encounter has stuck in the minds of everyone there, bringing out the strong and powerful wish of a little boy to live life on his own terms, in spite of all difficulties.
See the post below:
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